DIY Exfoliating Luffa Melt & Pour Soap Bars

DIY Luffa Soap

I love the way my skin feels after exfoliating, it is always so soft feeling. This is because exfoliating sloughs off the dead skin cells and reveals the new layer beneath. These luffa soap bars are super simple to make and are a great way to naturally exfoliate your skin.

What is a luffa?

So, luffas are actually a member of the gourd family. After they are picked, they are left to dry. Then the outer layer and seeds are removed. The luffa is washed and dried. Then bam, an all natural exfoliating sponge!


  • Scale
  • Heat Safe Container
  • Spatula
  • Rubbing alcohol in a spray container
  • Silicone mold

Luffa Soap Ingredients

Making DIY Exfoliating Luffa Soap Bars

1: Cut your soap base into 1 inch cubes.

2: Weigh out 3 ounces soap (per bar). Place the soap in a heat safe container.

3: Melt in the microwave in 30 second intervals, until the soap is fully melted. Be sure to stir well in between the intervals.

4: Weight out 0.15 ounce of Rainbow fragrance oil and add it to the melted soap base. Then mix it well.

5: Add a small amount of mica powder and mix again. You want to be careful not to make it too dark as you want to be able to see the luffa in the soap. If you have trouble getting the clumps to mix up, you can spray with rubbing alcohol to break them up.

6: Put your luffa into each mold cavity. Luckily, my luffas were able to fit into the mold. If yours are too large, you can trim the sides to make them fit.

7: Pour the melt and pour soap into each mold cavity and fill it to the top.

8: Spray with rubbing alcohol to pop any bubbles.

9: Allow them to cool completely.

removing luffa soap from mold

10: Unmold and enjoy! Remember, to wrap them in plastic to prevent glycerin dew.

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