Weigh out all of your ingredients.
Place all the dry ingredients into a mixing bowl. Be sure to be careful when adding the SLSa, you might want to use a face mask as it can poof up a bit.
Add the liquid ingredients to the dry ingredients and mix well.
Separate the bubble bar mixture into three sections.
Take one of the sections and add green mica powder to it until it is the desired color.
Add a small amount of baking soda to the bubble bar to thicken it. You are going for a consistency that is not sticky but not so thick that it flakes apart.
Roll out the bubble bar mixture with a rolling pin. You want to be sure that you make pretty thick bars.
Cut the bubble bar out with a cookie cutter and place on parchment paper to dry.
Add red mica powder to a section of the bubble bar.
Add a but of baking soda to the red and white sections (like you did with the green) until you are at your desired consistency.
Roll the red and white bubble bar mixtures into a rope shape.
Twist the colors together.
Smoosh the mixture up and roll out with rolling pin.
Cut out the candy canes with your cookie cutter.
Allow the bubble bars to cool until they are completely hardened. This will normally take about 2 days.