Creating your own soy wax candle with a piped, whipped top is a delightful way to create an eye-catching, personalized piece that looks and smells amazing. Whether you’re a seasoned candle maker or a beginner, following this step-by-step guide will help you achieve a beautiful and professional-looking result.I will start by making the base candle, allowing it to cool, and then I'll show you how to prepare, whip, and pipe the soy wax to create a fluffy frosting top.
Set up the container: Attach the wick to the bottom center of your container using a wick holder or adhesive dot. Make sure it’s secure and centered.
Melt the soy wax: Place the soy wax into a double boiler on medium heat. I like to add a silicone mat to the bottom of the pan.
Add fragrance (optional): Once the wax reaches around 170°F (77°C), add the fragrance oil at a 6-8% fragrance load and stir well for even distribution. You will also add any colorant if you want a colored candle.
Pour the wax: Carefully pour the melted wax into your container, filling it to about the half way mark. I save a small amount of the wax for the drizzle top.
Preparing the Whipped Soy Wax
Melt additional soy wax: Place soy wax in a double boiler and heat until melted. You’ll need enough wax to create the whipped topping, it typically takes more than you will think. I used 6 ounces for this.
Cool to whipping temperature: Add fragrance oil then allow the melted wax to cool to approximately 100°F (38°C). It will be the consistency of apple sauce when mixed.
Whipping the Soy Wax
Mix: Once your wax starts to cool, you will mix it with a spatula. You want to take care to get the wax of the sides and the bottom of the container.
Start whipping: Once your wax is an apple sauces consistency you will start to beat it. Use an electric hand mixer or whisk to beat the cooled wax on medium speed. Whip for a few minutes until the wax becomes fluffy and reaches a consistency similar to whipped cream.
You will periodically stop mixing and check the consistency. We are going for a consistency that will hold soft peaks.
Piping the Candle Top
Load the piping bag: Spoon the whipped wax into the piping bag, pushing it down to remove air pockets. I like to set my pipping bag into a mason car, it makes it easier to get the wax into it.
Pipe onto the candle: Hold the piping bag directly over the cooled candle base. Squeeze a blob onto the candle. Build layers to create a fluffy, high frosting effect.
Drizzle: I decided to add a drizzle of the candle wax to the top of my candle. To do this, heat the wax and allow it to cool a little bit then slowly drizzle over the top of your candle.