How to Make Spa-Like Massage Bars With Rose Petals

DIY Massage Bar

Seriously, once you start making and using these bars, you will fall in love with them like I did. In these diy massage bars, I have added a Zen essential oil blend and dried rose petals, to really make these diy massage bars extra relaxing and feel spa-like.

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One of the things that made me want to create these bars is giving myself a little massage when I apply my lotion. I really liked the Lotion Bars recipe that I created previously, but I wanted to add to that. I was trying to figure out how to really take it up a level… and then it hit me, Massage Bars!

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Hardness of Your Massage Bar

We have to think about the hardness of the bar we are creating. Bees wax is pretty hard, if we were to create a bar that is mostly beeswax, it is going to be a super hard bar.

massage bar hard butters and wax
Hardest to Softest:
Beeswax, Mango Butter, Shea Butter

On the flip side, if we create a bar with mostly a soft butter, like shea butter, it might be too soft. In fact, it probably wouldn’t set up and harden into a bar at all.

What we are looking for is something in between the two, we want the massage bars to melt on contact with the skin but to stay solid at room temperature.

Massage Bar Ingredients

Since we know that our oils determine the consistency of our diy massage bars, it is important to figure out how much of each oil you need to use to create the perfect massage bar.

Let’s go over the waxes, butters and oils we will be using.


Very hard, it is what helps to keep our massage bar in a solid bar form. It is also an emollient, meaning that it creates a thin protective layer over your skin to lock in moisture.

Mango butter

On the butter hardness scale, this would be somewhere between cocoa butter and shea butter. This is a lightweight non-greasy butter.

Shea Butter

Soft butter, great for moisturizing dry skin.

Grapeseed Oil

Grapeseed oil is a not too greasy oil and it is great for hydrating skin.

Zen Essential Oil Blend

This blend of essential oils was perfect for my massage bars as it is said to relieve stress and tension. It contains a blend of floral scents, Sweet Orange, Lavender, and Rosemary. Plus, it just smells like a spa does.

Rose Petals

Honestly, I think the rose petals make the bar look nice. In these bars, you wouldn’t really want to color them with any type of mica or dye. I decided to use the petals because they are said to have mositurizing abilities and antibacterial properties.

Preservative Free

Our bars are what you would call “anhydrous”, meaning they do not contain any water.

The cool thing about that is that there is no need to use a preservative with your massage bars, they can be preservative free!

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How to Make Massage Bars

Seriously, once you start making and using these bars, you will fall in love with them like I did. In these bars I have added a Zen essential oil blend and dried rose petals, to really make these diy massage bars extra relaxing and feel spa-like.
Includes a step by step guide and recipe to make your own massage bars today!
Prep Time10 minutes
Cook Time10 minutes
Total Time20 minutes
Keyword: Body and Skin Care, Massage
Servings: 4 oz
Cost: $5


  • Double boiler
  • Scale
  • Spatula
  • Silicone mold



  • Weigh all your ingredients.
  • Place the beeswax, mango butter and grapeseed oil in a heat safe container. Place mixture on a double boiler.
  • Leave on heat until fully melted, stirring regularly.
  • After the oils are melted add in your shea butter. Stir well.
  • If the shea butter does not melt completely, pop the mixture back on the double boiler.
  • While on the double boiler, stir it continuously until the shea butter is melted.
  • Remove from heat.
  • Add essential oils and mix well.
  • Sprinkle dried rose petals in the bottom of the massage bar mold.
  • Pour the hot oils into the mold.
  • After it is poured, add a few rose petals to the top of it.
  • Use your spatula to spread the petals around the massage bar.
    placing rose petals
  • Allow to cool completely.
  • Remove from silicone mold and enjoy your massage bar!

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